Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Geography Course Work

On the 14th December, the students of Grade 8 studying about “Urbanization” in Geography, went for a Geography Field Study Trip: to promote inquiry based learning and taking studies beyond the boundaries of classroom, students set out for a practical study experience and to discover the urban change going around them.
To study urbanization change in Noida we visited spots ranging from Noida sector-100 to GIP and took notes on how Noida is undergoing urban change. Before the field trip we collected data, conducted a survey, asking at least 5 people living in our neighborhood to build a few hypotheses and then started further investigation on them.
At the start of the day, we were divided into groups of 2 or 3 to undertake the study. We boarded the bus in groups and began our coursework. We collected data by taking photographs, drawing transects, preparing questionnaires, making observations, surveying people, and conducting a traffic count at a metro traffic junction. Finally, after the day’s hard work, we had lunch at GIP.
After the trip, we were given time to build up our individual field reports following the Geography “Route of Inquiry”. It was a really nice study trip as it included lot of research, data, statistics, hypothesis collection and then framing conclusions and opinions. This trip taught many aspects of research. I would like to thank the Geography teacher, Dr. R.K Kaul, for this trip.
-Divya Tyagi  8-B

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